ConfEx 公园 (位于城市公园内的展览和商务中心), Thessaloniki | Sauerbruch Hutton


The new ConfEx Park, at the heart of Thessaloniki, embodies the city’s ambition to be the region’s major business and tourist destination. It will shape an urban area to host international events while offering local meeting spots for the residents.

位于Thessaloniki 市中心的新 ConfEx 公园体现了该市成为该地区主要商业和旅游目的地的雄心。它将塑造一个举办国际活动的城市地区,同时为当地居民提供聚会场所。

The design picks up some major routes that fan out from the adjacent ancient city, and reintroduces them for pedestrians and cyclists: The ‘Culture Path’ links the Exhibition Halls and Congress Centre to the MMCA and the Archaeological and Byzantine Museums. The ‘Mountain Route’ emphasizes the relationship between mountain, sea, University, ConfEx Park and wider city.

该设计选取了一些从邻近古城散开的主要路线,并将它们重新引入行人和骑自行车者:“文化之路”将展览厅和会议中心与 MMCA 以及考古和拜占庭博物馆连接起来。 “山路”强调山、海、大学、ConfEx公园和更广阔城市之间的关系。


These lines naturally split the landscape into three parts: a space for play and temporary installations, the central area with cultural gardens and cafes, and a natural amphitheatre for performance and events. The landscaped areas will provide for a range of planted habitats with a diverse range of native and cultural plants found in the region. Addressing the memory of the historic terrain the park also integrates pavilions of the existing Helexpo site as familiar landmarks. The new Exhibition Halls and the Congress Centre can be recognized by their generously overhanging roofs floating like clouds above this landscape. When the halls are not in use for exhibitions, their foyer pavilions remain open for public use as cultural and social venues.

这些线条自然地将景观分为三个部分:一个供游乐和景观装置使用的空间,一个带有文化花园和咖啡馆的中心区域,以及一个用于表演和活动的天然圆形剧场。景观区将提供一系列种植栖息地,以及该地区发现的各种本土和文化植物。为了纪念历史形态,公园还整合了现有 Helexpo 场地的展馆作为熟悉的地标。新的展览厅和会议中心可以通过它们巨大的悬垂屋顶来识别,它们像云朵一样漂浮在这片景观之上。当大厅不用于展览时,它们的门厅亭仍作为文化和社交场所供公众使用。

ConfEx Park has the potential to become a beacon of technical and social sustainability as this central site is being regenerated into a verdant nexus for residents and visitors alike.

ConfEx 公园有潜力成为技术和社会可持续性的灯塔,因为这个中心站点正在重新成为居民和游客的青翠纽带。

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SEE MORE (来自)   Sauerbruch Hutton
