中洲湾C FutureCity,深圳 | Aedas

深圳中洲集团上沙项目毗邻深圳湾,坐拥南部绝佳的湿地景观。这一综合开发项目由两座朝北的标志性塔楼及 3 座向南的豪华服务式公寓组成,5 幢塔楼均位于一幢 4 层高的商场裙楼之上。

Located in Shenzhen, the site is in close proximity to Shenzhen Bay with distant views of wetlands towards the south. The mixed-use development consists of two iconic towers towards the north portion of the site with three luxury serviced apartment towers facing south, all sitting on a four-storey retail podium.

300 米高的双子塔是主干道滨河路的地标。塔楼的形态设计不仅配合现场条件,更回应城市文脉。双塔紧靠主干道,东塔刻意被安排后退,从而使公共广场和酒店前院能够直面主路。

Towering at 300 metres high, the twin towers are a landmark development on the end of Binhe Road (the main road). The shape of the towers was designed not only to respond to the site conditions, but also address the urban context. Both towers abut the main road and the eastern tower has been deliberately set back, allowing a public plaza and hotel forecourt to front the main road.


建筑面积:601,000 平方米

来自(SEE MORE)   Aedas
