北京世纪城市 | KPF

Beijing Century City is a mixed-use development of office and residential buildings that will form a new civic nucleus, provide public space at the heart of the site and form physical connections with the CDB on the south.


Inspired by depictions of the Chinese landscape, the concept of undulating mountain peaks and valleys define the massing. A series of ‘scooping’ moves at strategic locations carve into the site’s large footprint, creating efficient workspaces and opening up the urban fabric with a series of internal and external alleyways that provide connectivity and visual permeability across the site. This carving process produced clusters of buildings that come together to create an architectural language representing a ‘mountain-scape’ in the city.



BCC comprises office and residential elements, each entity designed as a series of smaller buildings. The offices are configured as three interconnected buildings while the residential section is made up of two linked up towers. At the junctions where individual buildings meet, a series of internal and external spaces are formed. Spread across the development, these junctures create public, semi-public and private amenity spaces.

BCC 由办公和住宅元素组成,每个实体都设计为一系列较小的建筑。办公室被配置为三座相互连接的建筑,而住宅部分则由两座相连的塔楼组成。在各个建筑交汇的交汇处,形成了一系列的内部和外部空间。这些连接点分布在整个开发项目中,创造了公共、半公共和私人休闲空间。

The project has been designed with a focus on wellbeing. In the offices, three-story atria between the main office floors provide informal break-out   areas featuring seating and planting. These spaces promote and enable physical connectivity and social interaction as well as providing diverse workspaces. In the residential buildings, winter gardens are incorporated and external balcony bridges form private, sheltered, garden terraces.



Client: Beijing Century City Real Estate Co.,LTD.

Type: Mixed-Use, Office, Residential

Size: 190,800 m2 / 2,000,000 ft2

