深港开放创新中心, 深圳 | schneider+schumacher


A cooperation zone for innovation in science and technology is currently being established between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. One of the first buildings to emerge there will be a national centre for research and development, for which schneider+schumacher won first prize in an architectural competition. The competition brief called for a seminal design that would set the benchmark for all future development.

深圳和香港目前正在建立一个科技创新合作区。首批落成的建筑之一将是国家研发中心,schneider+schumacher 在建筑竞赛中赢得了一等奖。竞赛要求设计出具有开创性的设计,为所有未来的发展树立标杆。


Located next to the river, this building complex designed by schneider+schumacher rises gradually from the embankment, forming a 120-metre-high office tower. The holistic design approach is representative of a new generation of research buildings that provide laboratories and offices, as well as exhibition areas, conference rooms, and leisure facilities where scientists can meet each other in informal surroundings.

这座由 schneider+schumacher 设计的建筑群位于河边,从堤岸逐渐升起,形成一座 120 米高的办公大楼。整体设计方法代表了新一代研究建筑,提供实验室和办公室,以及展览区、会议室和休闲设施,科学家们可以在非正式的环境中互相见面。

A green landscaped courtyard will be created between two rows of glazed structures, each stacked higher and higher. Roof terraces on each level are a distinctive feature – offering views over the wetlands of Hong Kong on the far riverbank.


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Client: Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd.

Gross floor area: 204.494m ²

SEE MORE (来自)   schneider+schumacher
