
PLANET ONE,上海 | 协调亚洲

易星球 / 协调亚洲为上海热爱科技的千禧一代打造了一个混合现实的游乐场。这个 1,250 平米的娱乐胜地呈现了一个透过线下体验与社交活动的科技生活方式。

COORDINATION ASIA designed a mixed reality playground for Shanghai’s community of tech-savvy millennials. This 1,250 m2 entertainment destination presents a hyper-connected and technology-driven lifestyle through shared real-world experiences and social activities.

协调亚洲为时刻追求尝鲜的中国95后、00后一代的年轻人,打造一个综合娱乐、休闲与刺激体验的混合现实汇集地。易星球为在上海市中心繁华地段,占地 1,250 平米的空间中展示以数字为中心的生活方式。作为一个既多元化又灵活多变的场地,易星球提供举办包含现场电玩竞赛、讲座、编程工作坊以及各种活动的机会,邀请顾客透过线上、线下的方式参与其中,模糊了虚拟与现实的疆界。

COORDINATION ASIA created a mixed reality hub that provides entertainment, leisure and excitement for the variety-craving millennials in China. Planet One showcases a digital-centred lifestyle in a 1,250 m2 space located at a prominent location in downtown Shanghai. The space offers multiple opportunities for live gaming contests, lectures, coding workshops and events. As a versatile and flexible platform, this venue actively engages customers both online and offline, blurring the boundary between the virtual realm and reality.

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The design adopts an aesthetic that captures the integration of virtual experience into real-world social activities. Raw materials such as copper, aluminium and glass are used throughout the venue, adding a touch of authenticity to the futuristic space populated with dynamic digital surfaces. Perforated and corrugated aluminium walls reflect the lights and colours from the LED walls, evoking an ethereal mood that connects the digital and physical environment. Transparent foldable LED walls surrounding the main stage allow visibility between customers in different areas and visually connect the activities’ spectators and participants. The combination of warm colour blocks on the PVC floor serve as visual guidance and distinction of different regions of the space. A system of LED light lines on the ceiling runs throughout the venue. Pulsating with dynamic colours, this ceiling light installation navigates guests in the space. The LED light lines form an impactful grid structure at the main stage, giving the area an undeniable focal point. The setting of the main stage offers a variety of activities, ranging from shows to live-streaming e-sport tournaments, from Yoga classes to coding workshops. Integrated with a stage, large LED walls and comfortable seatings, this area is where different communities can gather and meet.


Not limited to a simple ‘playground’, a curated collection of offline digital experiences aims to attract excitement-craving young crowds. A range of popular programs satisfy customers with different interests. A laser tag arena presents various scenarios with mesmerising light effects. VR game stations are equipped with hanging screens that allows spectators to enjoy the games with third-person perspectives. There are also drone simulators as well as indoor flights for the adventurous players. Aside from providing some of the most cutting-edge facilities, the restaurant area also features a cutting-edge ‘robobar’ that fits into the overarching narrative of a hi-tech playground. An array of eye-catching light installations in the shape of a moon perching on top of the counter further elevates the futuristic atmosphere. COORDINATION ASIA created an engaging journey at this multifunctional entertainment hub, attracting a community of technology-driven lifestyles in Shanghai.

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来自 (SEE MORE)   协调亚洲

阿那亚儿童餐厅 | Wutopia Lab

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来自 (SEE MORE) Wutopia Lab

上海城市规划展示馆地下空间设计 | Wutopia Lab

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来自 (SEE MORE) Wutopia Lab

玻璃博物馆园区,上海 | 协调亚洲

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For the past decade, Tilman Thürmer, founder of Coordination Asia, has worked closely with Zhang Lin, President of Shanghai Museum of Glass, to create a constantly evolving influential cultural institute. Involved from the beginning, Tilman has helped to keep breathing new life into the museum park which now has grown to a major attraction in Shanghai, covering 17,800 sqm with 20 thematic exhibition halls and facilities. Instead of eradicating all traces of the past, the park translated existing structures and elements into an impactful design language, fusing with the memories of the place to forge a compelling narrative of the endless possibilities of glass.

上海玻璃博物馆的每个角落都经过精心策划,徐徐展开一个层次丰富的玻璃物语,并诉说玻璃与人们、与场所的记忆之间的关系。这些展览时而知性丰富、时而充满哲理,宛如互动展示以及艺术表现交织而成的动人篇章。穿过如万花筒般炫目的玻璃甬道,五个屏幕播放着慢动作影像,呈现人的动作与物品的运动之间的关系,捕捉两者间微妙的连结。一组令人惊艳的定制艺术作品以十片大型镶嵌玻璃描绘着横跨三个时代的十个的面孔,由900片不同色彩与纹理的玻璃碎片组成,将世代之间的深刻连结视觉化的呈现,亦隐含着被保存在这个空间中的历史印迹。另一件名为《融合》的互动多媒体作品所在的位置就是当时玻璃工厂里曾摆放用来制造玻璃的窑炉的所在,将观众的动作转化为不同的材质与元素,带领观众体验玻璃的制作过程中所经历的三个阶段。这件多媒体艺术作品是博物馆与新媒体艺术家Tobias Gremmler 的合作成果,他的作品以数字艺术探索人类的动作。而在主馆的中央,八条动态LED走字屏自地面垂直向上射出,呈现上海玻璃制造的历史,犹如来自过去的窑炉散发出的余热。

Every inch of Shanghai Museum of Glass is carefully curated to unfold a multi-layered story of glass as well as its relationship with people and with the memories of the place. Sometimes informative and other times philosophical, the exhibitions constitute a symphony of artistic presentation and interactive displays. Through the kaleidoscopic glassy tunnel at the entrance, a set of 5 screens greets visitors with slow-motion footages of the movement of people that resonates the movements of objects, capturing the underlying connections between the two. An impressive commissioned artwork consisting of 10 large stained glass windows depicts 10 faces of individuals of three different generations. Made of 900 glass shards of multiple colors and textures, this piece of artwork visualizes the strong bond between generations, also is a subtle hint of the legacy preserved in this space. Sitting at the very spot of the glass-making kiln in the former factory is an interactive media installation “Fusion”, which translates viewers’ movements into dynamic visualization of material and element, letting visitors experience three major sensations during the formation of glass. This installation is a collaboration between the museum and media artist Tobias Gremmler whose body of work explores movement in computer art. In the center of the main hall, eight animated lines of LED showing the history of glass manufacturing in Shanghai shoot out from the ground as if they are the residual heat of the kiln radiating from the past.

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Instead of a static space that displays objects, Shanghai Museum of Glass is a growing platform that houses not only knowledge, inspirations but also all the events that take place here. An illuminated elevated house of glass on the 2nd floor of the main hall shelters a piece of unusual artwork – a pair of broken glass wings. Originally titled “Angel is Waiting”, this piece had been created by the artist Shelly Xue to mark the birth of her daughter. Unfortunately, on September 7, 2013 part of this beautiful work of art was deliberately damaged by a visitor and cannot be repaired. Despite the frustration and heartache, the artist and the museum decided to display the piece in the damaged form, hoping that it will serve as a warning and a reminder that everyone partaking in a cultural visit should respect and care for the artists’ works. The artist renamed this piece of work “Broken”, giving a new layer of meaning and deeper significance – any damage will eventually enrich the narrative as a whole.


Through collaborations with renowned national and international artists, Shanghai Museum of Glass has created a platform for art and the material glass. The artwork displayed at the entrance of main hall, titled “Warm Currents”, is a large circular structure consisting of glass beakers and vials slowly rotates in two directions with pink florescent fluid running inside. This impressive artwork is a collaboration between the museum and renowned artist Lin Tianmiao and it has become part of the museum’s permanent collection.

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Adding a series of outdoor spaces and artist studios to the nexus of the museum park in 2019, Shanghai Museum of Glass creates opportunity for a vast range of activities, bringing the art of glass closer to the public. Located at the former warehouse of glass-making materials, the skeleton of the building is kept and integrated into a black steel dome structure, stretching over an open event platform and an outdoor theater. Clusters of trees and a web of lights on the ground shape a vibrant environment that welcomes visitors to stick around. Forum is a 260 sqm open platform that contains seats on a cascade of wooden stairs where visitors can enjoy drinks under   the shades during various live events, such as music performances and lectures. Adjacent to the back of Forum, a matrix of glowing red LED lines captures attention from distance, highlighting a visually impactful 436 sqm Outdoor Theater that accommodates up to 340 people for hot glass show or various live performances. The radiating light installation surrounding the elevated seats fully expresses the heat, passion and excitement on the stage. Next to a new entrance to Kids Museum of Glass, an open runway gives young visitors a playground to spend time with their families and it also serves as a space for a diversity of activities designed for kids.


Started out with determination to be a cultural destination of global significance, Shanghai Museum of Glass has remained true to its original aspiration and the achievements are recognized by international awards and growing popularity both at home and abroad. As design director and consultant, Tilman Thürmer has helped President Zhang Lin at every step for last decade, to break rules, to realize daring concepts and make sure that Shanghai Museum of Glass keeps setting new standards for museums in China.

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来自 (SEE MORE)   协调亚洲
